Criminal Records: Augusto
José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte Imperialism
Reagan |
U.S. colonisation of Iraq: |
Róbinson Rojas ( 13 June, 2003):
U.S. corporations, Rumsfeld, Reagan, et al, the
criminals who supplied Saddam Hussein with biological warfare-related material
The evidence is overwhelming: Saddam Hussein's biological
weapons of mass destruction capability was possible because U.S. big corporations and
political leaders were doing business with the dictator.
---------------- |
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and Iraq
A report for Parliament on the British Government's response
to the US supply of biological materials to Iraq.
Geoffrey Holland
School of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies
University of Sussex
October 2004
P. Krugman, 29
June, 2004
Who Lost Iraq?
Let's say the obvious. By making Iraq a playground for
right-wing economic theorists, an employment agency for friends and family, and a source
of lucrative contracts for corporate donors, the administration did terrorist recruiters a
very big favor.
A Guide to the Memos on Torture
-- 27 June, 2004
The New York Times, Newsweek, The
Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have disclosed memorandums that show a pattern
in which Bush administration lawyers set about devising arguments to avoid constraints
against mistreatment and torture of detainees. Administration officials responded by
releasing hundreds of pages of previously classified documents related to the development
of a policy on detainees.
A dossier on US state terrorism
---------------- |
At Least 100,000 Dead in Iraq
U.S. War is a Blood Bath for the Iraqi People
Pledge to Take Action to End the War
In a medical study being published today, scientists
have concluded that the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq has resulted in the deaths of
at least 100,000 Iraqis, "and may be much higher." It further revealed that most
of the 100,000 Iraqis who died were killed in violent deaths, primarily carried out by
U.S. forces airstrikes. "Most individuals reportedly killed by coalition forces were
women and children," according to the study. The study was designed and conducted by
researches at Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University and the Al-Mustansiriya
University in Baghdad (The Lancet, October 29, 2004).
Sworn Statements by Abu Ghraib Detainees
These documents, obtained by The Washington Post, are
the offical English translations of previously secret sworn statements by detainees at the
Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Some of the names have been withheld from these statements by
washingtonpost.com because they are alleged victims of sexual assault. (21 May 2004) |
June 9, 2004, The
Washington Post
Legalizing torture
..."Theirs is the logic of criminal regimes, of
dictatorships around the world that sanction torture on grounds of "national
security." For decades the U.S. government has waged diplomatic campaigns against
such outlaw governments -- from the military juntas in Argentina and Chile to the current
autocracies in Islamic countries such as Algeria and Uzbekistan -- that claim torture is
justified when used to combat terrorism. The news that serving U.S. officials have
officially endorsed principles once advanced by Augusto Pinochet brings shame on American
democracy -- even if it is true, as the administration maintains, that its theories
have not been put into practice. Even on paper, the administration's reasoning will
provide a ready excuse for dictators, especially those allied with the Bush
administration, to go on torturing and killing detainees." |
June 9, 2004, The
New York Times
The Roots of Abu Ghraib
In response to the outrages at Abu Ghraib, the Bush
administration has repeatedly assured Americans that the president and his top officials
did not say or do anything that could possibly be seen as approving the abuse or outright
torture of prisoners. But...each new revelation makes it more clear that the inhumanity at
Abu Ghraib grew out of a morally dubious culture of legal expediency and a disregard for
normal behavior fostered at the top of this administration. It is part of the price the
nation must pay for President Bush's decision to take the extraordinary mandate to fight
terrorism that he was granted by a grieving nation after 9/11 and apply it without
justification to Iraq. |
Research (Canada) : Feature articles on torture and war crimes
Michel Chossudovsky,
Bush appoints a Terrorist as US
Ambassador to Iraq
Felicity Arbuthnot, 14 May 2004:
Crimes in Iraq: ?As American as
Apple Pie?
Marwa Elnaggar, 14 May 2004:
The Merciless Killing of Nicholas
Orit Shohat:
American army committed war
crimes in Falluja on an unprecedented scale
John Stanton:
Torture: United Kingdom, United
States and Israel Kings of Pain
Michel Chossudovsky:
Did the US Military Target
and kill the Red Cross Delegate on April 8 2003 to undermine the ICRCs activities in Iraq?
William Blum:
God, Country and Torture
Jack Random:
Abu Ghraib: Enough Shame for All
Sara Flounders:
Bertrand Russell Tribunal: Bush
Cabal Plotted War on Iraq Years ago |
Nafeez Mosaddeq
Ahmed (09/10/03)
'Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle
for Iraq'
------------------------ |
United States intellectuals against the
In Our Name
----------------------- |
M. Dowd (8 April
The Iraqi Inversion
Every single thing the administration calculated would
happen in Iraq has turned out the opposite. The W.M.D. that supposedly threatened us did
not exist. The dangerous dictator was deluded and writing romance novels. The terrorism
that would be thwarted has mushroomed in Iraq and is feeding Arab radicalism.
----------------- |
P. Bergen/S.
Armstrong (4 April 2004)
15 questions for Dr. Condoleezza Rice
April 8, 2004
Testimony of Condoleezza Rice Before 9/11 Commission
Transcript of National Security Adviser Condoleezza
Rice's testimony before the September 11 Commission on Thursday, April 8, as recorded by The New York Times
March 23, 2004
Public Testimony Before 9/11 Commission
(pp. 1-41 and pp. 42-83)
Transcript of public testimony from four high-ranking
officials from the Bush and Clinton administrations before the independent commission
investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, as recorded by Federal News Service. Published by The New York Times
23 March, 2004
Excerpts from "Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on
Terror" by Richard A. Clarke
J. Miller (22 March, 2004)
Former Terrorism Official Criticizes White House on 9/11
--------------- |
A. Buncombe (2 April 2004)
"I saw papers that show US knew al-Qa'ida
would attack cities with aeroplanes"
------------------- |
K. Zernike and D.
Rohde, 8 June 2004
Sexual Humiliation
Forced nudity of Iraqi prisoners is seen as a pervasive pattern, not isolated incidents
---------------- |
D. Priest and R. J.
Smith, 8 June 2004
Memo Offered Justification for Use of Torture
In August 2002, the Justice Department advised the
White House that torturing al Qaeda terrorists in captivity abroad "may be
justified," and that international laws against torture "may be unconstitutional
if applied to interrogations" conducted in President Bush's war on terrorism,
according to a newly obtained memo.
----------------------- |
N. A. Lewis and E.
Schmitt , June 8 2004
Lawyers Decided Bans on Torture Didn't Bind Bush
A team of administration lawyers concluded in a
March 2003 legal memorandum that President Bush was not bound by either an international
treaty prohibiting torture or by a federal antitorture law because he had the authority as
commander in chief to approve any technique needed to protect the nation's security.
--------------------- |
soldiers of the US Imperial army, like the soldiers of Pinochet, torture, humiliate and
murder their prisoners.

Abu Ghurayb Prison Prisoner Abuse. The Files
CBS 60 Minutes, 28 April 2004
Torture of Iraqi POWs in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib Prison
P. Byrne (Daily Mirror), 1 May 2004
Shame of Abuse by Brit Troops
Major General Antonio M. Taguba
Army Report on Iraqi Prisoner Abuse
J. Pilger (Daily Mirror), 7 May 2004
Torture is News but it's not New
F. Butterfield (The New York Times) May 8 2004
Mistreatment of Prisoners Is Called Routine in U.S.
D. Von Drehle (Washington Post), 8 May 2004
Capitol Hill Sees the Flip Side of a Powerful Warrior
D. Nelson, D. Connett, S. Grey (Sunday Times), 9 May
UK soldiers face Iraqi sex charge
S. M. Hersh (The New Yorker), 10 May 2004
Torture at Abu Ghraib
R. J. Smith (Washington Post), 10 May 2004
Senators Fault Pentagon as New Photos Emerge
---------------- |
February 2004
Report of the International Committee of the
Red Cross (ICRC) on the treatment by the coalition forces of prisoners of war and other
protected persons by the Geneva Convention in Iraq during arrest, internment and
---------------------- |
7 May 2004
Rumsfeld Testifies Before Senate Armed Services Committee
----------------------- |
C.P. Scherrer ( 10 October,
Action for the Indictment of US-UK War-mongers
Revised Report for the World Uranium Weapons Conference, Hamburg, Germany, and the
preparatory meeting for the International Tribunal on Iraq, October, 2003
...Nuclear warfare is not a thing of the past. In 1991, after
46 years of shame, it was employed again by the same USA in Iraq. Over six weeks in 1991,
US aircraft and missiles systematically destroyed lives and life-support systems in Iraq.
An equally ferocious assault by the US air force in March-May 2003 was followed by the
deployment of ground troops by the worlds mightiest nations against a country that
had been thoroughly disarmed of its weapons of mass destruction by UN inspectors over the
years! UK and US forces used massive amounts of extremely toxic and radioactive uranium in
the heart of Iraqi cities. Uranium remains active for millions of years! Since 1991 the
death toll has climbed exponentially and it is feared that it will climb even faster.
Uranium kills over generations. It attacks the human DNS. Horrifically deformed babies are
Invasion of Iraq, the U.N., U.S. Unilateralism and
Crimes against Humanity: Perspectives for Accountability
----------------------- |
From Global Research (Canada)(24 February 2004)
When the Big Lie Becomes the Truth, Michel
Chossudovsky and Ian Woods,
full text
Intelligence Ploy behind the
"Suicide bombings". "Operation Justified Vengeance": a Secret Plan to
Destroy the Palestinian Authority, Ellis Shuman,
full text
The Defense Sciences Office's new
Metabolic Dominance Program. DARPA Creating a Race of Robo-grunts, Thomas
C Greene,
full text
More on George and Drugs,
full text
FEMA: The Secret Government,
Harry V. Martin
full text
Bush Administration Officials
Lies about Iraqs Supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction in Their Own Words,
compiled by Jackson Thoreau,
full text
The Hutton Report is a cover-up of the
causes of David Kelly's Death: Suicide or Murder? The Dr. David Kelly Affair,
Steve Moore
full text
The purpose of the Commissions of
Inquiry is Whitewash: Yes, Minister! Uri Avnery
full text
The White House had (at least ) 28
Advanced Intelligence Warnings Prior to 9/11, Compiled by Eric Smith,
full text
Barely seven weeks prior to 9/11,
Attorney General John Ashcroft decided not to travel on commercial airlines, due to
"a threat assessment by the FBI" ,
full text
Hillary Clinton confirmed in a June
2002 Press Conference that Attorney General John Ashcroft "decided not to fly on
commercial flights in the month preceding September 11, 2001,
full text
Paul O'Neill , The Democrats and Regime
Rotation in America , Snowshoe Films, Video Interview with Michel Chossudovsky,
full text
John Kerry's Anti-war stance challenged
by Vietnam Vet: An Open Letter to Senator John Kerry on Iraq,
S. Brian Willson
full text>
Argentine President Faces off with IMF
and International Financiers, Roger Burbach
full text
Media vs. Reality in Haiti,
Anthony Fenton
full text
CIA Intelligence Reports Seven Months
Before 9/11: Iraq Posed No Threat To U.S., Containment Was Working, Jason
full text
Georgia: "The Technique of a Coup
d'État", John Laughland
full text
US Casualties in Iraq,
David Hackworth
full text
World Bank Oversees Carve-Up of Congo
full text
---------------------------- |
About the U.S. empire: |
L. Panitch and S.
Global Capitalism and American Empire
"The American empire is no longer concealed. In
March 1999, the cover of the New York Times Magazine displayed a giant clenched fist
painted in the stars and stripes of the US flag above the words: What The World
Needs Now: For globalization to work, America cant be afraid to act like the
almighty superpower that it is. Thus was featured Thomas Friedmans
Manifesto for a Fast World, which urged the United States to embrace its role
as enforcer of the capitalist global order:
the hidden hand of the market will
never work without a hidden fist.... The hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon
Valleys technologies is called the United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine
Corps. "
--------------------------- |
M. Klare (January
Bush-Cheney energy strategy: procuring the rest of the world's oil
----------------------- |
Alain Gresh, Le
Monde Diplomatique
( 18 september 2004 )
The business of terror
The war of a thousand years
------------------------------ |
The Guardian, 31
August 2004
We've lost lives and allies, liberties and
freedoms. In the age of George Bush, we have lost our way The first of two exclusive
extracts from Graydon Carter's new book, What We've Lost
The Guardian, 1 September 2004
The Destroyer |
George Bush's war on terror may have made the world a
more dangerous place. But it is his atrocious record on the environment that poses the
greatest threat, says Graydon Carter, in the second exclusive extract from his new book
"What We've Lost".
S. Halimi (Le Monde
Diplomatique, October 2004)
United States: Bush's record
------------------------------ |
The global hegemony of the
American Empire (2004)
Fickle, Bitter and Dangeorus
An interview with Chalmes Johnson, by David Ross
------------------ |
J. Webb (22 march,
Analysis: Insider's attack rattles Bush
Bush attacked on terrorism record
Profile: Richard Clarke
---------------------- |
T. Hayden (January
18, 2004):
Talking Back to the Global Establishment
As the Bush administration struggles with setbacks in its
global trade and Iraq agendas, the opposition World Social Forum opened festively this
week with 150,000 global justice activists primarily from India and South Asia, marking a
successful transition for the grassroots experiment from its original site in Brazil.
-------------------- |
M. C. Rupert, 8
June 2004
Coup d'etat: the real reason Tenet and
Pavitt resigned from the CIA on June 3rd and 4th
Based upon recent developments, it appears that
long-standing plans and preparations leading to indictments and impeachment of Bush,
Cheney and even some senior cabinet members have been accelerated, possibly with the
intent of removing or replacing the entire Bush regime prior to the Republican National
Convention this August.
----------------------- |
About Bin Laden: |
J. Burke (Foreign
Policy, May/June 2004)
Think Again: Al Qaeda
The mere mention of al Qaeda conjures images of an
efficient terrorist network guided by a powerful criminal mastermind. Yet al Qaeda is more
lethal as an ideology than as an organization. Al Qaedaism will continue to
attract supporters in the years to comewhether Osama bin Laden is around to lead
them or not.
--------------------------- |
M. J. Rivers ( March 2004)
A Wolf in Sheikhs Cloting:
Bush Business Deals with 9 Partners of bin Laden's Banker
------------------ |
"Intelligence Asset" Osama bin Laden supports Bush
by Michel Chossudovsky
31 October 2004
The timely release of the Osama tape four days before Americans go to the voting booths
should come as no surprise. Osama has been a central theme of the election campaign. The
Bush administration has been preparing public opinion for the eventuality of a terrorist
threat prior to the November 2 elections. Osama tapes have emerged periodically since 9/11
at critical "political moments".
The U.S. empire and Chile |
From World History Archives:
The retrospective history of Chile
Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in World History Archives and does
not presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity nor to release their copyright. The history of Chile in
The Allende Era (to 1973)
Allende's Chile, 1972
By John Foran, Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara. A role
playing learning project. The case visits the site of a meeting Allende held with his
coalition partners in Lo Curro, in 1972, in which various proposals were put forward for
dealing with social problems and sustaining the project of social transformation.
U.S. overthrows Chilean democracy (1963-1973)
A model operation - Covert
action in Chile: 1963-1973
From Ralph McGehee. United States ran covert actions in Chile between 1963 and 1973
leading to the ascension of General Pinochet. The U.S. Government's official report of
this covert action said this operation epitomizes CIA covert actions (worldwide).
CIA, AFL-CIO, and Pinochet
Kim Scipes. History of AFL involvement in South America since 1919, but especially, with
CIA funding since the '60s, and the project to overthrow Chilean democracy from 1970. The
work of the AIFLD network in labor penetration.
Hot Debate over Extent of US
Intervention in Coup
By Gustavo Gonzalez, IPS. Right and left-wing senators in Chile argue over the extent of
US intervention against the government of Salvador Allende. Also on the occasion of the
25th anniversary of the coup, former US ambassador to Chile provided new information on
CIA intervention in the 1964 presidential elections in Chile, when Christian Democrat
Eduardo Frei Montalva - the father of current President Eduardo Frei - defeated Allende
and his coalition of socialists and communists with the support of right-wing forces.
Still Hidden: A Full Record Of
What the U.S. Did in Chile
By Peter Kornbluh, Washington Post. The historical record of U.S. support for the
former Chilean dictator remains desaparecido--disappeared--like so many victims of his
violent regime. In the wake of Gen. Pinochet's arrest in London a year ago, the Clinton
administration has been conducting a special "Chile Declassification Project."
A selected list of some U.S.
citizens, organizations, and intelligence officials who were involved in Chilean affairs
in the 1970s
From Public Information Research, Inc. Each entry accompanied by citations to
documentation (75Kb).
Castro Speaks On U.S. Role In
1973 Coup In Chile (excerpts)
By Fidel Castro.For the first time in history, a new experience was developed in Chile:
the attempt to bring about the revolution by peaceful means, by legal means. And Allende
was given the understanding and support of all the world in his effort - not only of the
international Communist movement, but of very different political inclinations as well.
US Documents Confirm
Destabilisation of Allende
By Jim Lobe, IPS. Declassified U.S. documents add new details to the Washington campaign
of 25 years ago to destablise the government of President Salvador Allende of Chile which
culminated in a bloody military coup.
Augusto Pinochet Report:
Documents Show U.S. Knew of Pinochet Crackdown
By Karen DeYoung and Vernon Loeb. Washington Post. Days after the bloody 1973
coup that that overthrew Chilean President Salvador Allende, the CIA mission in Chile
reported to Washington that the new government of Gen. Augusto Pinochet planned
"severe repression" against its opponents and "the line between people
killed during attacks on security forces and those captured and executed immediately has
become increasingly blurred."
Declassified Documents Detail
US Role in Chile
Weekly News Update on the Americas National Security Archive posted declassified
US government documents on its web site which detail US attempts from 1970 to 1973 to
prevent Allende from taking office and later to remove him from office. The documents
include notes taken by Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms at a White House
meeting with President Richard Nixon, Attorney General John Mitchell and National Security
Adviser Henry Kissinger.
The Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990)
Official secret documents
from Chile prove the existence of Operation Condor
In El Pais. Official documents from the Chilean Exterior Relations Ministry prove
the existence of Operation Condor, which was responsible of the extermination of thousands
of civilians in South America. Operation Condor was established during the I Interamerican
Reunion on Military Intelligence that took place in Chile on November 25, 1975.
Role of former high official
in Pinochet dictatorship is now subject of pointed questions in United States
From Institute for Public Accuracy. Jose Pinera was Chile's Minister of Labor and Social
Security from 1978 to 1980 and is now co-chair of the Cato Institute's Project on Social
Security Privatization.
Pinochet arrest raises new
questions in Washington
By Institute for Public Accuracy. The arrest of former Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto
Pinochet has focused new attention on the record of his regime, which remained in power
for 17 years after the 1973 coup that toppled Chile's democratically elected government.
Under the Dictatorship
Re the militarization of society after 1973; the creation in 1975 of the DINA secret
police. The violation of the constitution and of human rights. The opposition and the 1988
plebescite (98 Kb).
ICFTU mourns death of Manuel
Bustos, one of Chile's primary fighters against dictatorship
ICFTU Online. Manuel Bustos, a long-time champion and fighter against the Pinochet
dictatorship and for democracy and workers rights in Chile died yesterday in Santiago. The
government has announced three official days of mourning, followed by a state funeral,
which will be attended by President Frei.
Preventing the pending release
of Augusto Pinochet
Author recalls the cruel violation of women under the Pinochet dictatorship in support of
a lobbying effort to have him tried in England.
US Inquiry May Link Pinochet
to Letelier Murder
By Gustavo Gonzalez, IPS. The US Justice Department's decision to re-open investigations
into the 1976 assassination of a former Chilean foreign minister, Orlando Letelier and his
assistant, could mean the eventual implication of former dictator Augusto Pinochet in the
World History Archives
The Washington Post files on Pinochet and his gang of
criminals. |
S.Allende: Speech to the UN General Assembly, 4th Dec.
1972 |
Chile: The Popular Unity's Programme
(Alternative Development) |
U.S. Senate: Covert Action in Chile 1963-1973 |
R.Rojas: The Chilean way to socialism. Popular
Unity |
School of the Americas Watch |
Other material: |
A Three Kings
January 6th 2005 Year of the Rooster Offering
Observed From the Top of the Great Wall through the Eyes of the Innocent Little Boy
by Andre Gunder Frank
Uncle Sam has just reneged and defaulted on up to
forty percent of its trillions of dollars [$] foreign debt, and nobody has said a word
except for a line in this weeks Economist. In plain English that means that Uncle
Sam runs a world-wide confidence racket...
-------------------- |
From BBC News, 11
October 2004
US seizes independent media sites
The FBI has shut down some 20 sites which were part of
an alternative media network known as Indymedia. A US court order forced the firm hosting
the material to hand over two servers in the UK used by the group.
Rachel Shabi, from The Guardian, 11 October 2004
US seizes webservers from independent media sites
Tim Gopsill of the National Union of Journalists said:
"If the security services of the UK or US can just walk in and take away a server,
then there is no freedom of expression."
INDYMEDIA declaration:
FBI and other legalbreaking news
8 October 2004
More Intimidation Than Crime-Busting Says IFJ
As Police Target Independent Media Network
And the same struggle inside United States of America:
11 October 2004, from the IFJ:
United States Attack on Journalists Right to
Protect Sources Violates First Amendment Says IFJ
The International Federation of Journalists has
accused the United States authorities of endangering the countrys cardinal
democratic principle of free expression by attempting to force reporters to disclose
confidential sources of information. The First Amendment is a beacon for free
expression, said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. But that principle is
threatened when journalists are bullied by judges and face jail for talking to government
employees about serious public issues.
Sign this declaration :
Stop Bush's New Agression
Against Cuba |
for the Study of the Cuban Economy(ASCE).- Cuba in Transition
Granma Internacional.- Castellano
Granma Internacional.- Français
Granma Internacional.- English
Granma Internacional.- Hasta la victoria
siempre |
read more here
The Geopolitical
Intelligence Report:
The Death of Arafat
November 11, 2004
By George Friedman
That Yasser Arafat's death marks the end of an era is so obvious that it hardly bears
saying. The nature of the era that is ending and the nature of the era that is coming, on
the other hand, do bear discussing. That speaks not only to the Arab-Israeli conflict but
to the evolution of the Arab world in general.
I think it is useful to read the two opinions I publish below about Arafat and the
struggle of the Palestinian people for recuperating their land after being robbed by the
terrorists backed by United States and Britain from 1948 until today. (Róbinson Rojas. 12
Nov. 2004)
Published in The New York Times:
Op-Ed Contributor:
A Difficult Visionary, a Stubborn Vision
November 12, 2004
From The New York Times:
Obituary: Yasir Arafat, Father and Leader of Palestinian
Nationalism, Dies at 75
November 11, 2004
election in the Empire ( 2 Nov. 2004)
What's going on, what the left should do
by Elson Boles
Unlike some have argued, the election did not boil down to resurgent US nationalism
designed to recoup US decline. Bush did not win because of Iraq, but despite it. The
decline of the US, the shrinking of the middle class, and the Republican economic policies
behind these developments, were NOT why Bush won. On the contrary, he won largely
because certain Americans voted on certain cultural issues: they voted for racism,
homophobia, etc. and these as requisite features of "moral integrity."
3 December 2004
This is a secret field manual of the US terrorist armed forces
FMI 3-07.22
Distribution Restriction: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors
only to maintain operations security. This determination was made on 1 April 2004. Other
requests for this document must be referred to Commander, US Army Combined Arms Center and
Fort Leavenworth, ATTN: ATZL-CD (FMI 3-07.22), 1 Reynolds Avenue (Building 111), Fort
Leavenworth, KS 66027-1352.
Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents
or reconstruction of the document
---- |
Support and be part of the
Project for the First People's Century
Róbinson Rojas |